Saturday, November 24, 2007

Welcome to my Blogs!!

I just realized that I started blogging without any good introduction to this blog. Here is what I feel I should do here:

Hi! This is Aditi and I would like to welcome you to my blogspot.I am here to share some of my thoughts and feeling which have been developing in the cocoon of my mind and has eventually found its exit grounds.I am not a poet, not a critic, not a mastermind and not even a diarist.So you must be thinking what am I here to write about?A human being with very human feelings and thats how I can relate with you.I have noticed that human life follows a pattern.We face similar situations, have somewhat similar responsibilities, its just the decisions we make each day which makes a difference.
While I keep blogging I would like to welcome you to share some of your experiences related to "Encounter with Life"."Life just happens when we are busy making plans", so lets share some of our small happiness of life and keep that smile entact on our ever charming faces.

Keep smiling !!! "Its a crooked line which sets everything straight"

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Present

Today is the third time I read the book "The Present". I have developed a special bonding with this book since the first time I read it.
I was on my normal Pune -Mumbai journey when I first bought this book which has brought a wave of change in me.In this run of life, from school , college and then job ,I somewhere lost the "purpose" of life. I won't say that this book made me realize the "purpose" of life, but it helped me clear out the mist in my mind and entangle my thoughts.
I have been too much engrossed in my work since last 2 years. Working hard each day, I somewhere just messed up my life with over-expectation. Expectation from job , from life and worst over-expectation from "self". Pushing myself too much to get things "perfect" , I just lost the right track and started dwelling in fear of future with adverse experience of past.Just lost the present somewhere till the fine day I got "The Present".
"Count your blessings and not your sorrows" is one of the few lines I can recall from the moral science classes.Its now I realize what it means.Finding and focusing on the "right" things rather than things going wrong. Its just how we perceive things which makes a difference.
A negative person always finds the glass half empty but an optimistic views it as half full and also opportunity to fill it.Be in The Present, realize what is Right and Important "NOW". Learn from the past mistakes to make the present better.And last but not the least "Create Your Future", by focusing on the present and working towards a goal.