This is an excerpt from my diary which I wrote after watching the movie "Tuesdays with Moorie".
"I just can't sleep. The mind is numb and the heart aches.All small and big events of life seem to be dancing on way.In the rush of life, I can suddenly feel a sudden silence .There are so many questions queued up. All this after an evening with Moorie.
It started off in February'2004 when we were sent to MRA(Moral Re-armament) camp. One of the most cherished gift SCIT gave me. It was a three day camp where we learnt the subtle things in life on how to gel love, generosity and humanity with carrier.One evening they showed us a movie "Tuesday's with Moorie".The movie started, and it had just started getting into me when my phone rang. I just moved out and by the time I was back, the movie was at its last stage. I could just catch on few captivating lines and assured myself that I shall watch this some day.
It's 2009, and today finally I made it! After five years .. it took me that long to fulfill a promise I made to myself.
Moorie is a professor who is on his death bed. But he is a professor and he fulfills his duty till his last breath. He gives some of the toughest lesson to his student, which takes a life to learn. It's a lesson on how to live by keeping an eye on death. All of us one day or other would be extinct, we shall leave everything except the love that we plant in each others heart. When we dance to our heart and celebrate the gift called life, we rejuvenate a new life within us.
Moorie is dying, he can't stand on his legs, his body is melting but his eyes is bright with the love he has gathered all through his life. With all his friends and loved ones on his side, he is happier than most of us are in perfect health.Moorie teaches the sermon of life in simple words, love each other or die!
Its a captivating story and addresses challenges each one of us face in our life. Its just the choice which makes all the difference!
Play your flute and sing you song and the world shall adore you!"
Its a must watch and must read for everyone!!!
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