Thursday, July 16, 2009

Some childhood poetic outburst

These are two of my very old poetries which I wrote while I was in school. It was when I was preparing for my boards and was isolated at home to study for the D-Day. The silence outside churned a new conversation within me and below are some instance of those:

Keep Smiling

" A crooked line on your face;
Enclosed sweetly in a brace
Lits the face as bright;
As moon shines in a star lit night.

Transmits warmth in others heart;
And sweetens all corners turned sour,
Melts the roughness between foes;
As the warm sun melts the toughest snow.

When all round trapped in stress;
All say it works the best,
Unties every knots of thoughts;
As rain releives the earth blown hot.

When seen on a child's face;
It looks like God's grace,
Take my advice and tie a knot;
"Keep Smiling,it helps a lot"."

In arms of past.......

When eyes go drowsy;and nights go calm,
When stars go twinkling;midst the cloud,
My thoughts travel down the path....
And I; drift away in my past.
With twinkling eyes and sizzling dreams;
I used to think;"I am a born queen",
Mother's love and father's care;
Made my little world glare,
Dolls were my little friends;
In whose hairs; my hours would blend,
Wondered why the rain should fly;
When the colorful rainbow did arrive,
Tried hard;to hear the Moon say "Hello!";
Wanted to make the clouds my pillow.
Then gently I feel the patting of wind.....
Which takes me to the world of dreams,
I wish I could stay there.....
Like a little doll;with careless hours.


  1. "In Arms of Past" reminds me of when I used to build forts and secret ninja hide outs out of the cushion's from our couch when I was a child. Great memories, thanks :)

  2. Hey..awesome are such a talented gal!!
